Website design and development for SMEs, local businesses and self-employed professionals.

  • Informational Websites
  • Corporate Websites
  • Promotional Websites
  • One Page Websites
  • Job Portals
  • eCommerce Websites
  • Online Shops
  • Portfolio Websites
  • Personal Blogs

Websites usually differ from the functionality runnig in the back-end such as on a basic website to inform visitors about your brand, or on an eCommerce to sell your products and services and also, on a blog to publish your latest posts. Most websites I build have a combination of those functionalities running at the same time.

Mobile-first approach.

All websites I build are mobile-friendly and depending on the type of your project and target audience I'll focus on the mobile-first approach from the get going. This approach offers an added-value by enabling visitors to interact with your brand, products and services in a very personal way considering that most of them will be using their mobile devices on the go wherever they go.

SEO-friendly websites.

When I develop a website, I always make sure it is built in accordance with the best practices in on-page SEO such as the HTML structure and information architecture. Still, the most important factor here is the textual content within those pages. If you’re also looking for help with content auditing, keywords research and paid advertisement, please scroll down to the Collaborations section.

The process.

This is the icon for responsive design by Andre Armacollo Freelance Web Designer

Mockup Design

Once I have a good understanding of what you're expecting in terms of the general look & feel of the website, I'll produce mockups for all its elements including headers, footers, buttons and page layouts for you to choose from.

This is the icon for front-end development by Andre Armacollo Freelance Web Developer


The next step is transforming the agreed on mockups into actual web elements. At this stage, I'll need full access to your hosting control panel so I can set everything up in the the back-end and start building all relevant pages.

This is the icon for website customisations by Andre Armacollo Freelance Web Designer


Different types of testing will be taking place throughout and after the development phase to ensure everything looks and works as it should on all devices and the new website is ready to be properly indexed by all search engines.

This is the icon for website customisations by Andre Armacollo Freelance Web Designer

Review & Approval

Once testing is finished, a demo version of the website will be made available so you can review everything and any final amendments before the "official" launch can be done. As soon as you've approved it, the website will go live.

Making life easier with CMS.

CMS stands for Content Management System and is where the website pages and features will be managed from. It is an amazing tool for everyone, developers and end users. Let’s assume you don’t have any of the required coding skills to build a website. By making use of a CSM, you should be able to manage most aspects of the website such as updating texts and images yourself once I finish building its structure.

There are quite a few options out there and the right one for you will depend on your project goals but it safe to say that WordPress is one of the most popular ones and certainly the one I’d usually recommend.

Collaborative working.

Some projects may require a wide range of skills and some of those may be out of my scope of work. Fear not! I've got a network of professionals I work in collaboration with when necessary in the following areas:

  • Back-end Development
  • Branding & Graphic Design
  • Content Creation & Copywriting

Let’s get your project up and running!

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